The Smear Test

All eligible women between the ages of 25 and 65 are covered under the NHS Cervical Screening Programme (


This has shown a remarkable decrease in the incidence of women afflicted with Cervical Cancer in the UK.


However, a small percentage of women will have abnormal smear tests or be told that there a pre-cancerous changes in their smears (also known as CIN). Smear tests are also now able to detect the presence of the HPV virus which is known to be the most important risk factor for cervical cancer.


A cervical smear is a screening test which highlights the possibility of a problem on the cervix. Women with an abnormal smear or other changes on the cervix are then referred for a Colposcopy.

Besides the HPV virus, the other most important factor associated with pre-cancerous changes on the cervix (CIN) is smoking. So it is strongly advised that you give up smoking if you have this problem.

Normal Cervical Smear

Normal Cervical Smear

Abnormal Cervical Smear

Abnormal Cervical Smear